Patient Information


Privacy and Confidentiality - Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain the security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff. Information collected from you, concerning you with regard to your medical health and treatment, and information disclosed during consultations will remain confidential and will not be released to a third party without your written consent except in an emergency situation or when compelled by law.

We abide by the 10 National Privacy Principles, available at

Recall & Reminder System - We are committed to appropriate management and preventative care of medical conditions. We may send you a recall reminder from time to time offering you follow-up or preventative health care. If you do not wish to be part of this service please inform your doctor or the practice manager. We consider your participation in health monitoring to be an important part of your health care.

After Hours Care - call 137 425

Script Requests & Referrals - Most repeat prescriptions and all new medications will require a consultation so that the doctor can check your health and update your records. Please phone the practice to book an appointment with your regular GP for a review and repeat prescription.

All new referrals and most review referral letters also require a consultation. The referral process requires a GP to initiate the request for a specialist consultation and requires your doctor to write a detailed letter with updated important information including your presenting problem, history and medications. Please note that referrals cannot be backdated as Medicare specifically prohibits this. It is the responsibility of yourself and your specialist to ensure that you have a valid referral prior to you attending appointment with a specialist.

Appointments - Please phone, or book online to make an appointment. Every effort will be made to fit you in with your regular GP. Our standard appointment time is 15 minutes. To assist us to run as close as possible to time, please request an appointment length that matches the complexity of the concerns you wish to discuss with your doctor. Our receptionists can also help you choose an appropriate time. If there are too many issues to deal with in the allocated time, we may need to schedule a second appointment. If you are unable to attend for any reason, please call the practice as soon as possible to cancel your appointment.

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